Saturday, January 26, 2008

How to prevent cracked heels?

Instead of taking picture of my own cracked heel, I thought of just getting a picture from the net and post it here. Too shy la...

So, what's an effective home remedy to rid of this,apart from the many products available in the market? The following methods are said to work:

1)using pumice stone to scrub off the hard skin and smoothen the cracks. I think this would just be a short-term solution to remove the cracks but doesn't prevent cracks.

2)wearing socks at night if you sleep in an air-conditioned room. This is to prevent loss of moisture from the skin as dry skin will crack easily.Better still, right after applying moisturiser.

3)avoiding turning on the air-conditioner. The point is that air-conditioned environment is drier and promotes easy cracking or peeling of the skin. If you can't sleep without an airconditioner, then practise method (2)

4)never stay bare-footed anywhere even at home.Again,this is to prevent roughage to the skin and exposure elements that promote cracking skin.Concrete and even tiled floor is said to cause dryness to the feet.

5)comfortable and suitable footwear should help to alleviate this problem.

I've tried (1) and (4) and I don't think my shoes are not suitable for my feet. The problem persists but not as serious. At least, it's not obvious even when I'm wearing slip-on shoes or slippers/sandals. I just need to put layers and layers of moisturiser to prevent dryness. If I'm not disciplined, my heels will tell!

Cracked hands

It all started during my confinement of my son. Overly obsessed with hygiene, I washed my hands with Dettol handwash each (I mean each and every time) time I handled my son's feeding bottles, pacifier or drinking bottles. And mind you, one can imagine how many times an infant feed and drink in a day! That would be the number of times I wash my hands with Dettol.

My problem came a few months later. I realise whenever I lack water or get in contact frequently with water and detergent, my hands would start to dehydrate, peel then crack eventually.

To mitigate the problem, I resort to frequent moisturising of the hands. It helps to reduce dryness and onset of crack. But, when cracks appear, an effective method to heal my hands is by applying Fucicort cream. I've tried a few creams but this one work the best.

The cheapest neck cream

Do you have the following items and wish to throw or give them away:

1)Moisturiser that had expired (not too long) and you are scared to put it on the face for fear of any outbreak.
2)hand or body lotion
3)moisturiser samples which does not suit your skin type
4)moisturiser,a gift you received that does not suit your skin type
5)moisturiser/eye-cream left in the tube that you want to discard because you want to switch to a different brand

Think twice because these can be put to good use. Apply these on the neck. Most people neglect moisturising the neck even though this part of the body is the part where the signs of aging show the most. They neglect either out of ignorance or they simply don't think it's necessary to take care of the neck as it's cosily covered by the clothes.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Award winning shampoo

My shampoo is an award-winning one! I've been using this for my thinning hair.

I recently bought a jumbo-sized (this is the first time I bought this size) as it's definitely cheaper than the regular sized one and shops selling this kind of shampoos are not easy to come by.